It's incredible coming back to this blog I made so long ago, reading my last entry, and seeing how much has changed in whatever period of time it's been. One time it was a year. This time, a mere 3 months has gone by and I'm amazed. Yes, post- grad life is still fine. It's other "1st world problems" that have come up to haunt me.
Being a Social Adult:
Is not easy. And now I understand why parents don't really have friends. I'm 22 and I'm realizing that. Fuck. I'm not the most sociable person. Everyone I come in contact on a weekly basis would highly disagree with that statement, but I know myself better than anyone. I'm naturally a loner. Not something I'm ashamed of. It just gets lonely time to time when I'm alone at home and then realize the people I used to hang with all the time are not particularly on my priority list of people to "hit up" when this happens. Why? What's happening? Am I over them? How did that happen? I'm busy.
I'm busy.
And when most of your week revolves around work, other things get pushed to the side, including friendships. And this is all inclusive. Fresh friendships and old friendships, they begin to deteriorate slowly but surely.
I get it now mom and dad.
Forget friendships, what about my non-existent love life? My last post I mentioned, "juggling boys". I don't even remember there being a time where I was juggling boys. Maybe talking to more than 2 at a time, but that didn't mean I was going farther than that. At this point, I am so aware and self-concious about the fact that I haven't been in a relationship, that maybe it's fear holding me back. My siblings call this, being picky.
I'm picky and I'm awkward.
And I probably always will be. I'm the worst at keeping in touch with people, even my family. I'm closed off for some reason. I can get into some really deep talks though. You have to have my full trust for me to go deep with you. And I enjoy talking about deep life things. It's my favorite when I'm high. All the sudden I become Ghandi and have all these life revelations on why things are this way and that way. I'm not high now. In fact I'm glad I'm not because earlier today there was a cockroach in my room and if I were high, I'd probably be imagining them all over my I am now. I'm itchy all of the sudden.
So there is it. My biggest life issue at the moment is that I'm anti-social, I'm terrible at keeping in contact with my family, I want more friends, and I want a boyfriend, preferably one that could cook. I also haven't written much in so long. The incredible thing about that, is that I haven't lost the urge to write. To want to write is different than writing, but the want is very different from not wanting. I'm glad I can still say I want to write.
Until next time
Sunday, June 16, 2013
Tuesday, February 12, 2013
I'm an adult now. I am an adult now?
The last time I wrote on this blog, I was 20 and had just returned home to sunny southern California from good ol London town. I spent 3 months there studying abroad, partying, meeting and bonding with some life changing people and basically doing whatever the hell I wanted to. It was anybody's dream. It was my dream.
It is now February 2013. I am 22, graduated from college with a BFA in Television Production, living in LA and working full-time at an animation studio in Hollywood, CA supervising the animation and design of the most ridiculous, awesome and funny animated shorts to hit the web. Like seriously, just like week we released and animation that involved dead topless prostitutes and My Little Ponies physically mutilating some cowboys. I am an adult now. I am an adult now? I am an adult now and I fucking love it. People said life after college was tough but I've been blessed to experience otherwise. I work in the industry I want, I make enough money to pay my own rent and support myself, all of my friends live in LA....and I mean ALL. I still rage like I'm in London almost every weekend, except now I can actually afford it and not depend on my parentals for booze money. I am right where I want to be.
My dreams of being a Television writer have not faded. They've just been pushed to the side because of how busy I am. But getting back on this blog is the perfect way to get back into writer mode. I watch a monstrous amount of television, way more than I did before. I have an apple TV that is my boyfriend. Sad, yes, but I am dating. Here and there. Boys are weird. And so are girls (exhibit A...I'm pointing at myself).
I don't know why I wanted to get back on this blog. I am currently sitting at work because I have to stay and lock up the building after all the animators leave and I'm bored. And I feel like writing. I feel like writing something that I know probably no one will ever see. I just feel like I've been experiencing some really great post grad life and maybe I want to document it. Like a diary. Like a lame fucking diary. I've never been able to actually keep one, so we'll see how long this one lasts. Maybe my blog will be seen by some head honcho Producer over at ABC Family and turned into a sitcom about an awkward 22 year old trying to figure it out when she already has. "GIRLS" but the stupid boring version where everything just seems to be awesome all the time. I'm not saying my life is perfect, but, like I said before, I am in a really good place (knock on all of the wood).
So that's it for this post. I suppose my following entry will involve tales of boy juggling and the fact that my 25 yr old brother and his boyfriend have been sleeping on my couch for 7 months. Maybe, just maybe.
It is now February 2013. I am 22, graduated from college with a BFA in Television Production, living in LA and working full-time at an animation studio in Hollywood, CA supervising the animation and design of the most ridiculous, awesome and funny animated shorts to hit the web. Like seriously, just like week we released and animation that involved dead topless prostitutes and My Little Ponies physically mutilating some cowboys. I am an adult now. I am an adult now? I am an adult now and I fucking love it. People said life after college was tough but I've been blessed to experience otherwise. I work in the industry I want, I make enough money to pay my own rent and support myself, all of my friends live in LA....and I mean ALL. I still rage like I'm in London almost every weekend, except now I can actually afford it and not depend on my parentals for booze money. I am right where I want to be.
My dreams of being a Television writer have not faded. They've just been pushed to the side because of how busy I am. But getting back on this blog is the perfect way to get back into writer mode. I watch a monstrous amount of television, way more than I did before. I have an apple TV that is my boyfriend. Sad, yes, but I am dating. Here and there. Boys are weird. And so are girls (exhibit A...I'm pointing at myself).
I don't know why I wanted to get back on this blog. I am currently sitting at work because I have to stay and lock up the building after all the animators leave and I'm bored. And I feel like writing. I feel like writing something that I know probably no one will ever see. I just feel like I've been experiencing some really great post grad life and maybe I want to document it. Like a diary. Like a lame fucking diary. I've never been able to actually keep one, so we'll see how long this one lasts. Maybe my blog will be seen by some head honcho Producer over at ABC Family and turned into a sitcom about an awkward 22 year old trying to figure it out when she already has. "GIRLS" but the stupid boring version where everything just seems to be awesome all the time. I'm not saying my life is perfect, but, like I said before, I am in a really good place (knock on all of the wood).
So that's it for this post. I suppose my following entry will involve tales of boy juggling and the fact that my 25 yr old brother and his boyfriend have been sleeping on my couch for 7 months. Maybe, just maybe.
Friday, January 21, 2011
Learning to do things for yourself
These past couple weeks have been mighty frustrating and busy as I endure "Life on Set" for a class I am taking for Winter session. This "class" has turned into a job. We are on set for 12 hours a day almost every day a week including Saturdays. I'm always tired and I barely hang out with my friends anymore. So in relation to my previous blog post before I started, I am surviving but just barely!! In addition to this class, I just have other things people are asking me to do and they keep piling up. Life is busy as it is. Stress, stress, stress!
This Monday/Martin Luther King Day (which is definitely a national holiday!!) I had the pleasure of having the day "off". Sike, I was forced to wake up early and attend a production meeting at 9am.....sheesh. Anyways, after I was done in the meeting and finished running wardrobe errands I hit the 5 fwy to visit my older brother in LA for a break from school. He had never been to Venice Boardwalk so I was glad to come along and share the experience with him.
As soon as the calls and texts from tv crew finally ceased, I was able to relax and enjoy the beautiful day with one of my favorite people in one of my favorite places. It was amazing and I thought to myself, thank God I came out here for the rest of my day! I realized how important, especially in times of high stress like I was in, it was to get away and do something for yourself. My trip to LA was just the thing I needed.
The moral of the story is, life should not be all about work and schedules and deadlines. I was thrown back into reality after coming back from London and it's a good thing I was but at the same time I miss that "free spirited" living that I became accustomed to over the past 3 months. When stress has brought you down, get back up with some relaxing activity that you enjoy. As impossible as it sounds, it is possible. And if you feel it isn't....well that's what this post is all about isn't it? ;)
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
Life on Set
This January I decided to take a class that involves the production of two student written, student produced, student shot, student EVERYTHING, pilots. This is the first interterm session that the film school has decided to make two pilots instead of one during the month of January. I know this class will be a defining point in my quest to find what career I am trying to pursue in the future.
I was assigned to Wardrobe, and just recently was assigned another job as still photographer which is awesome! They both keep me busy. I've been on plenty of sets but not as a crew member. 12 hour days everyday is keeping me drained and somewhat boring since I've been too tired to go out later. Early mornings, early nights...this will definitely help my much needed detox after my three months in London. I've already made a ton of friends and hopefully contacts for any production I may want to do in the future. These kids are talented no doubt and I'm very impressed and continue to be everyday. There is a lot of waiting but it's a good time.
I'll let you know if I survive!
Saturday, January 8, 2011
A Little Piece of Me

This post is just about what me, Tyler Sadler, is currently into. xx
Music: I'm moving away from the hip hop scene some and diving into this new pop/techno vibe that all the mainstream pop artists are releasing. Fun, party related lyrics accompanied by fist-pump worthy techno-ey, bass beats. For example: Rihanna's newest album "Loud", Ke$ha, Katy Perry and anything involving David Guetta. I'm not a great dancer so music that I can just jump, fist pump, and nod my head too works perfect! My current fave is "Who's That Chick" by Rihanna ft. David Guetta.
TV: For a Tv Production Major I don't watch very much TV. But when I do watch TV it's def trash TV. I'm guilty of being a huge Jersey Shore fan. The season premiere of season 3 confirmed this and I really can't wait for the rest of the season. While in London I watch popular British shows like Skins, The Inbetweeners, and Misfits. Skins is about to come out with a new season and also a US version is releasing on MTV starting January 17th. Super excited for both.
Movies: Ummm...I just love a good movie really. I recently watched Black Swan and the Social Network. Those were both great! But then I also love movies like Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World which so many people thought was terrible. I have some strange sense of humor.
Books: Eh, someone recommend me a good one please!
Fashion: Currently loving big slouchy tops over leggings or tights. Cardigans are my heart. My Doc Martens are also one of my favorite reoccurring shoe choices. Winter fashion has a place in my heart. I think that's why I loved London fashion so much. I also like wearing things on my head as many can tell from pictures.
Art: Photography. I need some more practice, my Canon EOS 20D is feeling neglected. I don't have any favorite photographers but I follow a ton of blogs and love just looking through pics that inspire me. Black and White photography is definitely my favorite.
That's about it! A Little Piece of Me.,,
Saturday, January 1, 2011
Happy New Year peeps.
I must say this has been one of theee most epic New Years Eve celebrations I was involved in. Stopped by Chapman, saw some peeps, then headed to Good Ol' LA with one of my favorite people, Marcus Henson. After meeting all his LA friends and changing into fishnet leggings, shorts, a purple see through shirt and an indian headdress, me Marcus and another awesome guy, Derek headed to the LA sports arena for my first rave experience ever. Together As One was such a massive gathering of people!! The music was cool and there was definitely some good vibes between me and the people we came with. I actually got a New Years kiss! All in all I'll never forget last night. It was an amazing end of 2010 and an amazing beginning to 2011.
2010 has got to be one of the best years of my life and I hope life only gets better. Between school, summer and studying abroad in London I've met so many awesome people and made so many life long friends. Let the good times roLL!
Monday, December 27, 2010
Thought of the Day: Can't we all just get along?
It's great being back from London and seeing all of my friends from home. I was lucky enough to see them my first real day back at a kickback of a friend of a friend...etc. All seemed well but all is not well and I've been thrown in such an awkward position for reasons that to me seem astronomically immature.
I don't know if being abroad open my eyes or if I'm just one of those people with common sense but it just doesn't add up. The amount of drama between these people that I love to death and have shared so many good times with this past summer is hurting me. They don't see it, but I feel it. I have the ability to not take sides and that is helping me get through to both sides. I can try but there comes a time where being an adult means acting like one and I can only do so much for them.
The pettiness of what is happening makes me sick. I'm going to turn these feelings into a clear message even if that message is one of the most well known cliches to ever exist (ppl should know by now that I live and die by cliches lol). YOU ONLY LIVE ONCE SO MAKE THE MOST OUT OF IT. And when I say make the most out of it, I mean lay shit out on the table, accept it, and continue on with life. There is no way I would be able to live with myself knowing I had "beef" with someone for an extended period of time for a reason that in about a month will seem extremely...well....DUMB.
Life's not always easy obviously and I know people grow apart. Shit Happens (another cliche) and that's just the facts of life. So when you know that that time has come, let them know and separate in peace....Holding a grudge can only bring negativity in your life.
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