Tuesday, February 12, 2013

I'm an adult now. I am an adult now?

The last time I wrote on this blog, I was 20 and had just returned home to sunny southern California from good ol London town. I spent 3 months there studying abroad, partying, meeting and bonding with some life changing people and basically doing whatever the hell I wanted to. It was anybody's dream. It was my dream.

It is now February 2013. I am 22, graduated from college with a BFA in Television Production, living in LA and working full-time at an animation studio in Hollywood, CA supervising the animation and design of the most ridiculous, awesome and funny animated shorts to hit the web. Like seriously, just like week we released and animation that involved dead topless prostitutes and My Little Ponies physically mutilating some cowboys. I am an adult now. I am an adult now? I am an adult now and I fucking love it. People said life after college was tough but I've been blessed to experience otherwise. I work in the industry I want, I make enough money to pay my own rent and support myself, all of my friends live in LA....and I mean ALL. I still rage like I'm in London almost every weekend, except now I can actually afford it and not depend on my parentals for booze money. I am right where I want to be.

My dreams of being a Television writer have not faded. They've just been pushed to the side because of how busy I am. But getting back on this blog is the perfect way to get back into writer mode. I watch a monstrous amount of television, way more than I did before. I have an apple TV that is my boyfriend. Sad, yes, but I am dating. Here and there. Boys are weird. And so are girls (exhibit A...I'm pointing at myself).

I don't know why I wanted to get back on this blog. I am currently sitting at work because I have to stay and lock up the building after all the animators leave and I'm bored. And I feel like writing. I feel like writing something that I know probably no one will ever see. I just feel like I've been experiencing some really great post grad life and maybe I want to document it. Like a diary. Like a lame fucking diary. I've never been able to actually keep one, so we'll see how long this one lasts. Maybe my blog will be seen by some head honcho Producer over at ABC Family and turned into a sitcom about an awkward 22 year old trying to figure it out when she already has. "GIRLS" but the stupid boring version where everything just seems to be awesome all the time. I'm not saying my life is perfect, but, like I said before, I am in a really good place (knock on all of the wood).

So that's it for this post. I suppose my following entry will involve tales of boy juggling and the fact that my 25 yr old brother and his boyfriend have been sleeping on my couch for 7 months. Maybe, just maybe.


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